有机化学,物理有机化学, 高能量密度分子材料设计,功能材料理论计算研究。
1. 安徽省bob波波体育厅自然科学一般项目(KJ2016B08),笼状杂环化合物及其含能材料的密度泛函理论研究,2017.01-2018.12,1.0万元,结题,发表3篇SCI论文;
2. 滁州bob波波体育校级培育项目(2017PY02),高氮化合物及其含能材料的密度泛函理论研究,2018.1-2019.12,1.5万元,结题,发表2篇SCI论文;
3. 滁州bob波波体育科研启动项目(2014qd039),笼状化合物的密度泛函理论研究,2015.01-2016.12,2.0万元,结题,发表2篇SCI论文;
4. 安徽省bob波波体育厅重大项目(KJ2019ZD43),新型陶瓷膜支撑体孔结构设计及产业化开发,2019.07-2022.06,20.0万元,在研,已发表2篇SCI论文;
5. 安徽省bob波波体育厅重点项目(1808085MB50),新型分子筛膜肢支撑体材料微结构形成机制与控制,20198.06-2020.06,12.0万元,结题,发表3篇SCI论文;
6. 有机化学(2018kcgg028),滁州bob波波体育校级课程综合改革项目,2018.12-2020.11, 0.5万元,在研;
7. 应用化学专业《有机化学》教学方式改革初探(2018jyc034),滁州bob波波体育校级一般项目,2018.12-2019.11,0.1万元,在研;
8. 有机化学实验(2019kcgg307),滁州bob波波体育校级课程综合改革项目,2019.12-2021.12,2.0万元,在研。
1. J Y Zhang, G L Chen, J Dong, X D Gong. Design and exploration of 5-nitro-3-trinitromethyl-1H-1, 2, 4-triazole and its Derivatives as energetic materials. Molecular Diversity, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11030-020-10103-4.
2. J Y Zhang, G L Chen, J Dong, X D Gong. Effects of electronic delocalization and hydrostatic compression on structure and properties of cage compound 4-trinitroethyl-2, 6, 8, 10, 12-pentanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane. Chemistry SELECT, 2019, 4(5): 1567-1575
3. J Y Zhang, G L Chen, X D Gong. Screening for potential energetic C-N cages with high energy and good stability: a theoretical comparative study. Mol. Simulat., 2018, 45(1): 1-8
4. J Y Zhang, G L Chen, X D Gong. QSPR modeling of detonation parameters and sensitivity of some energetic materials: DFT vs. PM3 calculations. J. Mol.Model., 2017, 23: 193
5. J Y Zhang, X D Gong. The effect of nitro groups on the structures and energetic properties of the derivatives composed of TATB and cubane. Struct. Chem., 2017, 28: 645-654
6. J Y Zhang, X D Gong. Comparative theoretical investigation on the structure, energetic, and stability of C7N5H11cages. Struct. Chem., 2015, 21: 1-8
7. J Y Zhang, X D Gong. Computer simulations and analysis of structural and energetic features of crystalline cage energetic compound: 2, 4, 6, 8, 12-pentanitro-10-(3, 5, 6-trinitro (2-pyridyl))-2, 4, 6, 8, 12-hexaazatetracyclo [,11.0 5,9 ]dodecane. J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2015, 28: 577-585
8. J Y Zhang, H C Du, X D Gong. Computational characterization of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13-heptaazatetracyclo [,11.05,9] tridecanes as potential energetic compounds. Struct. Chem., 2013, 24: 2163-2172
9. J Y Zhang, H C Du, X D Gong. A DFT study of cage compounds: 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12-hexanitro-3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12-hexaazatetracyclo [,6.04,9] dodecane and its derivatives as high energetic materials. Struct. Chem., 2013, 24: 1339-1346
10. J Y Zhang, H C Du, F Wang, X D Gong, Y S Huang. Theoretical investigations of a high density cage compound 10-(1-nitro-1, 2, 3, 4- tetraazol-5-yl))methyl-2, 4, 6, 8, 12-hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane. J. Mol. Model., 2012, 18: 165–170
11. J Y Zhang, H C Du, F Wang, X D Gong, S J Ying. Crystal structure, detonation performance, and thermal stability of a new polynitro cage compound: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15-nonanitro-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15-nonaazaheptacyclo [,11.15,9] pentadecane. J. Mol. Model., 2012, 18: 2369-2376
12. J Y Zhang, H C Du, F Wang, X D Gong, Y S Huang. DFT studies on a high energy density cage compound 4-trinitroethyl-2, 6, 8, 10, 12- pentanitrohezaazaisowurtzitane. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2011, 115: 6617-6621
13. 张建英,刘学立. 基于学习通平台的《有机化学》互动式教学模式研究[J].安徽化工,2020,46(3):123-124。
邮 箱:zhangjy13@163.com